Police line do not cross


By Jorge Mesa - November 14, 2023

I know it may feel like it is...especially if you frequent any of the

many social media sites available lately but that is not the majority of people in this world. Facebook seems to be the leader according to most, and the U.S. is in the #2 Spot at 175 Million users while India is #1 with 314.6 Million according to Statista. Steady growth over the past decade has given us these numbers but there is just one platform that articles like this from worldpopulationreview.com fail to mention. Who did they leave out of this conversation? (of course) “The Artist Formerly Known as Twitter.” Yup, good old “X.” The best worst thing ever, the ultimate free speech platform that is anything but civilian owned and ANYTHING but free. The behemoth that plans to be the first true EVERYTHING APP has a user base, according to Reuters, of over 540 Million users since July of this year.

Why are some official news stories not classifying X as social media? Is there potentially a reason they want what is sure to be one of the largest tools of obfuscation that has ever existed to NOT be in the spotlight when it comes to reporting anything that has to do with social media? I think the answer is....complicated, perhaps too complex of a topic for this small article. For a broader look at topics like this please check out my new book “World War YOU” available now. You can also check out my incredible interview with Ryan Cristián from The Last American Vagabond for a great talk about the recent wave of ““Citizen Journalism.”

There is, however, something important to interpret here regarding the title of this article you are now reading. News is obviously NOT dead. News might be doing better than ever thanks to public pushback and people regaining the knowledge of things like “The Trivium.” The most important inference to make here is that news is lazy. Mainstream news is what I’m talking about for the most part BUT we have an influx of new hotshot youngsters looking to get in the scene as well. Some of them will do excellent, thorough reporting and actually try to figure out their own results from their own research. Some of them will accidentally make it much tougher for people who still trust the main stream to recognize real reporting when they have it spoon-fed to them. This laziness may actually be a result from the very thing that sparked this article, social media. Part of the success of social media is that people now expect news to look just like that. Scrollable, background music tainted, empty and lazy.

I will leave you with this perspective based on the Facebook numbers provided earlier; The U.S., according to these stats, is showing approximately 51% of its total population! Even though India has more Facebook users, it is merely 22% of their population. Whether or not people or government or whatever movie/music star are to blame one thing is for sure...Americans have been trained to be LAZY!! and we all need to help each other help ourselves before we get out of the collective spiritual mess that pervades approximately 51% (conservative estimate here) of our Western World.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more articles!!

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