File folder of conspiracy theories
Conspiracy Theory Search Representing American Collusion With Russians 3d Illustration


By Jorge Mesa - November 23, 2023

This week has seen more over the top news stories than a typical week during the heyday of COVID!! Two stories in particular stand out above the rest, especially since I am no longer a NY resident: First up is an announcement made Tues. 11/21/2023 by Gov. Kathy Hochul from New York. She just revealed a new “Media Literacy Toolkit” presented to The NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services for K-12 students which has the lofty goal of “innoculating“ children from hate and to have the necessary tools to identify ”Conspiracy Theories” and “misinformation” online. Pre-Crime, guilty until proven innocent, stop me if you’ve heard this before. Teachers under this Toolkit will also be trained to show students, these are children by the way, how to spot misinformation/disinformation/malinformation (known as MDM) online.

I will keep the language appropriate here and cautiously label this announcement as laughably ironic. I don’t want to be dragged into a prison cell in the middle of the night because I might potentially be a conspiracy theorist (check out my episode on those two terrible words HERE). [Con (with/together) Spire (Breathe, think inspire or to breathe in) is all it means by the way]. Here are a few more million dollars printed out of thin air, thanks to an apparently “semi-viral” post on X showing Osama Bin Laden, in a manifesto of course, claiming American deaths were “justified” on 9/11 by America’s support for Israel’s “occupation” of the Palestinian Territories. Some younger viewers were apparently praising Bin Laden and this, along with Hochul’s indication of an extreme uptick of around 420% in Online Hate Speech against Jewish and Muslim communities, is what caused her to not only send a letter to 4 of the most influential digital companies (X [Twitter], Meta [Facebook, Instagram], Google [YouTube] and TikTok) but also make sure colleges were reinforced with Threat Assessment and Management (TAM). Adding flame to this already raging fire is an Information Guide being sent out to parents which, amongst other questionable details, mandates them to “CORRECT MISINFORMATION.”

This is not only frightening that these kinds of actions can essentially be tolerated by an entire town or even a state but what about the other Department worth mentioning here, The Department of Education. The D.O.E. already does this! The D.O.E. already makes sure that children from the most important early years of learning, which also happen to be their most impressionable, learn exactly how to spot conspiracy theorists. For a grand tour of this concept and more check out my new book “World War YOU.” Children learn through a perfectly coordinated attack on all mental fronts. All students that roll through the prescription strength D.O.E. programming are quite good at not trusting themselves or any other beautiful human being. They are TRAINED to believe in paper money, to believe that war is for our safety, to believe that we are evolved space monkeys on a spinning, orbiting-while-flying space rock. Trained to believe in Dinosaurs, Climate Change and U.F.O.s. We are trained that we have to work The Right JOB in order to rip off enough suckers to make millions more than the hardest working teachers. We are trained to be suspicious of everyone and TRUST THE SCIENCE. NY certainly made sure of that with our most recent indoctrination-made-flesh invisible enemy scare and mask training program. We’re already trained to believe things that go against our natural senses and that is more than enough. This recent waste of time is just another glaring example of how carefree the real social media threat “mainstream news” is. THIS WILL BACKFIRE. After a century of Rockefeller, Royal Society D.O.E. bullshit, people are starting to wake up. THAT program is backfiring as more people than ever are choosing to keep kids out of the D.O.E. trap and HOMESCHOOLING, as a result, is on the rise! This recent Toolkit from Gov. Hochul W I L L B A C K F I R E!!! This will help expose the real thought criminals here. This will help expose and further edify people about exactly what GOVERNment (mind) really aims to do with your children for 40+ hours a week.

The 2nd news story is something I simply wanted to bring to your attention if you missed it because it’s heartbreaking BUT there is a conspiracy theory element in order to further push that point home. Just minutes from where I spent the first 40 years of my life was the legendary Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower. This facility burnt to the ground yesterday 11/22/2023 and while I could go on about Tesla’s many inventions and his “vs. Einstein” track record or his many quotes floating around the internet that may or may not be his own, I will simply bring up these points. First and foremost is that more than enough farms and food processing facilities have gone up in flames recently and it’s NOT because of climate change. When they want something or someone gone, they murder it. Treat it like a witch and burn it at the stake. They knew that witches were natural healers and that simply won’t do, Tesla wanted free energy and that simple won’t do. This is the narrative that will come to light, they’re showing their hand and once certain doors are open they cannot be closed. The other point to bring up here is the very suspicious location of the nearest fire department from this world famous location...RIGHT NEXT DOOR!! Rocky Point Fire Department practically shares their lot with Wardenclyffe. I’m going to leave that story there and simply leave you with this: This act of arson and what could very well be intentional destroying of evidence that energy can be free and that perpetual motion machines SHOULD be allowed as patents, this act of potentially intentional arson is a true act of terror.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more articles!!

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