By Jorge Mesa - February 11, 2024
As I write this on our holy day of the “SUPERB OWL” (Information that accidentally crossed my path about a day ago, my how times have changed) I am here to discuss a very different kind of ritualistically celebrated event that just took place this past week. Those who celebrated it are on the unfortunate side of the theater that is main stream media and all of its wonderful partners in crime. Those who celebrate are convinced that people like Tucker Carlson, and of course people like Elon Musk, are of an untouchable and almost deity-like class of superhumans who somehow exist under the thumb of our invisible overlords but are surely on “our side.”
This event I am referencing is of course the monumental, world changing, history made flesh “interview” between Tucker Carlson and Russian President Vladimir Putin. An interview forever etched in stone in what will surely be called one of the most important and incredible events in modern history...or will it? I think my stance is obvious as to the importance and validity of this so called interview and I hope to show you why in this article.
First of all, I watched the interview so you don’t have to YOU’RE WELCOME. It would be far more accurately labeled as a history lesson then a journalistically impressive interview in my humble opinion. Putin was cool, calm, collected and FUNNY for the evil overlord we are supposed to see him as and this is already problematic for the nature of what was expected here. More importantly, Putin is one hell of an actor and a really great face for this humongous chunk of land most people in the West hardly understand. Tucker is Tucker and I don’t think its the goal of this article to get into details about what I think he has or has not done before or after FOX and please see my newest Patreon and Rokfin exclusive episode “Election News Extinction” for more of my thoughts about mainstream news in general.
Now, what makes this moment in time special is actually what makes it just like the previous centuries of the existence of the U.S.A. and that is WAR. What is war good for, money of course. How many BILLIONS go to Ukraine to fight the “EVIL RUSSIANS?” This NY Times Article, right from the belly of the media beast shows the newest bill, this is AFTER the nearly $100 Billion we have already given them (some of which we claimed to have lost track of). It’s not just Ukraine here, Israel, all of the bombings we propose in relation to them and even border control is part of this newest bill and not one of you reading this has any say in that.
This brings me to the main reason I am releasing this article, at this crucial time for news media, at this crucial time for the West in general, at this crux of existence where TRUTH is more important than ever...news is dying?! More news companies than ever are engaged in massive layoffs and look like they’re folding. I believe there is unfortunately a much deeper agenda at play here so please do see my latest episode in the link above for more on that.
Enter Tucker Carlson. People TRUST him. People see him as the antithesis to the gross use of power that media conglomerates have over how we see the world and I unfortunately believe that it is quite the opposite. Isn’t it fitting that this Putin interview actually brings up our other lord and savior Elon Musk? Is it any surprise? It should not be and our collective quest for truth should reveal that at a very clear surface level. Keep in mind that I believe these are all puppets for other far more nefarious invisible overlords, see my new book “World War YOU” for more on that disturbing reality. I am waiting for history to show me the answer but for now I will stay on what I believe in my heart to be the right side of history.
A final point to make here about the “Interview Heard ‘Round the Digital World” that at least half the world doesn’t even know had occurred! I had said that I believe Putin, and all other faces for world leaders we are shown, is an actor. A VERY WELL TRAINED ACTOR. IF this is true than why would an interview like this, no matter how long, with all of its camera cuts, complete with ear pieces which we are to believe are merely for translations, why should we believe even one word of this softball interview which essentially brought no new information to the proverbial world table? Why would it be hard to believe that whoever set up Tucker being invited to the heart of THE ENEMY in Moscow to interview this man we are trained to HATE along with his entire Occidental and Oriental country full of incredible culture and realm spanning influence (and a pretty awesome language). Why is it hard to believe that during this new “COLD WAR SOON BECOMING A POTENTIAL HOT WAR” we have before us a completely staged interview with excellent actors doing their best to convince you that the dying news is bad for your health and that we should trust THEM? I will do my best to make sure I am keeping people thinking with articles like these and of course my show THIRD EYE EDIFY.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more articles!!
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